this week I'm reminded of freezer meals because I've relied on pulling two out of the freezer so far this week! we're battling the big Stomach Bug of NorthWest GA over here, and even though for us it's just about 6 hours of awfulness and 6 more of recuperation, for a family of five it takes forEVER to get through.
forever, because in Stomach Bug terminology, a few days really is FOREVER.
and the sun is not shining. not one little bit. (happy birthday, dr. Seuss)
so, here is my plan that is working in this stage of my life!
Monday's are soups, which are made on Saturdays or Sunday's. I double this and freeze leftovers.
Tuesday's are tacos, because...Tuesday's are for Tacos!
If I make it through Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, then honestly by then who knows what Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday look like. But, I choose from these options: breakfast, paninis, or spaghetti.
if I don't have meat for spaghetti, then I pull out a frozen soup. my creative brain likes the part of making biscuits or bacon cornbread to go with those already-made soups. and I almost always have breakfast stuff and paninis/sandwich stuff.
if it's a light week and I can predict my days, (translation: I get to the store), I'll make a new dish. and
always always I double it. . one, I'm finding some normal sized recipes just don't cut it anymore. and two, if we don't finish it, I freeze it! yay!
so I was so thankful to have four different soups to choose from this week for us to nibble on. and I do mean nibble.
and of course we can't forget breakfast and lunches because those also require considerable brain power, maybe not as much, but still....breakfast is not my strong point and by this point I'm guessing it's never going to be. I love that the kids can help themselves to cereal while mama is nursing her coffee mug and muttering things...but I do like a nice protein-snack about mid-morn for everyone, which ends up bumping lunch to about 1:00 which means yay! no afternoon snack! straight into
dinner. and lunch alternates between turkey/PB sandwiches and rabbit food (plate of boiled egg, carrot sticks/bell pepper sticks, nuts, dried fruit, yogurt/cheese, tortilla rolls..the kids love rabbit food!). some weeks I get inspired, usually by Lindsey, and make some breakfast bread for actual breakfast...but not usually.
so, in a rabbit-nut-shell, I really love this very easy-to-me meal plan, and I have a feeling it may stick for a good while.
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