Hello Friends!
Welcome to Homeschool Helpers, the blog where we hope to share and encourage new ideas for everything for running your home...and homeschool! We can all take turns posting ideas about crafts, education, playtime activities, fitness for kids (and adults!), health, recipes, and any other good homemaking idea we particularly love or think others just might love!
To start off, we thought it would be fun to do a family introductions, so we all know a little bit more about who's posting. I'll start:)

I am Lindsey (the female in the picture above), wife to Jeff and mom to three boys, Jacob (7), Thomas (3), and James (1). We currently live in Georgia, but neither Jeff nor I are from here. I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia and Jeff was born and raised in Pageland, South Carolina. We met at Clemson University in South Carolina and have been together ever since.
Jeff was the first one to decide that homeschooling was a good option for our family, when Jacob was just 2 years old, but after much prayer for several months, I got "semi-on board" with the idea as well! Since then, the main thing that describes what we adhere to for our homeschooling is reading. Lots of reading. And mostly reading aloud, either me reading (which has gotten less and less frequent since the addition of James last year!), or an audiobook doing the reading:) Jacob does do a good bit of reading on his own at this point, but still prefers to be read to. Jacob really likes history and science, so we do most of our reading in those areas at this point.
When I find the time, I am a craft lover! I LOVE to sew, however this has also taken the back burner more and more this last year...hopefully to reappear soon! I like home decor projects, not just for sewing, but for other crafts as well. I also like to bake...and when all is right in my home, I actually ENJOY cooking as well! At this point in my life though, cooking is done our of necessity, and so my favorite recipes are ones that are EASY and taste good, and preferably don't dirty up too many pots and pans! I am THRILLED when I find a simple and tasty recipe!
I don't know what exactly I will be contributing to the blog, probably whatever strikes me at the moment, if I know me! I certainly hope to find some simple recipes that will work in places where ingredients might be limited, and maybe I'll have a super simple craft idea too! Anyway, I'm excited to see where everyone goes with this blog, and I am expecting to learn a lot myself!
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