Monday, June 29, 2015

courage, love, commitment

God is teaching me so much lately...past few days...past few decades. (just a few, ha!) and He is teaching me through others' obedience to the Spirit. and that is so very encouraging to me. and I want to encourage our friends afar specifically to not give up sharing and encouraging other new faces in the midst of discomforts and discouragements and family stresses.

I've been learning how to share my story, honestly and at appointed times. and how through sharing comes healing, and how those wounds are grace...isn't that something? how our past experiences/sins/struggles are yes, to point us to Jesus. but It doesn't end there. those past hurts become tools to pave the way for others' understanding, comfort, and encouragement. . and grasping takes courage, it takes blind love, it takes commitment.

courage, blind love, commitment. ugh. so much effort in those words.

courage means you might get hurt, you may not be received, they may not understand. is it worth sharing? yes. it is when Christ has redeemed you, and we are charged with this Hope.

blind love. I had a mentor in college, and in a letter I wrote to her once I said 'people are morons.' (yall who know me are laughing). her response was 'see people as Jesus sees them.' I will never forget that. do I act on that every day? absolutely not. that woman there who is not my favorite and whose kids wreck my house just might not make it if I don't whisper hope to her. do it.

commitment. the sticking point. go back to their house. invite them again. show up every time. follow through.

be encouraged, sisters. the days are hot and long, and so are our duties and lists. oh to be like Christ, wandering those dusty streets with one thing on His mind: sharing and teaching His Fathers love.

'every time you meet another human being you have the opportunity. it's a chance at holiness. for you will do one of two things, then. either you will build him up or tear him will create or you will destroy....there are no useless minor meetings. there are no dead-end jobs. there are no pointless lives. swallow your sorrows, forget your grievances and all the hurt your poor life has sustained. turn your face to the human before you and let her, for one pure moment, shine. think her important, and then she will suspect that she is fashioned of God.'

I have no idea where this came from, but I love it.

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