I picked up this calendar of sorts at a Children's Desiring God conference a couple summers ago. I attempted to scan and post it, but I think just typing it out is the easiest thing in the end. . one side lists different behaviors of our lovely children, then questions we can ask them, how to encouragement them, and a Bible verse that goes along with each behavior. I keep it on my fridge, so it's easy to just turn around, look at the chart, and say something wise!
Aggravating, Stirring up Strife, Picking on Others: 1. Are you purposing in your heart to promote peace, or are you stirring up trouble? 2. How can you show love and pursue peace in this situation?
Put off Strife. One of the 7 things God hates is one who stirs up trouble among his brothers. Prov 6:19
Put On Peace-Making. God gives joy to those who promote peace. Prov 12:20
Additional verses: Prov 10:12, I Peter 3:11
Bad Friendships: 1. Do you think this friend will encourage you to follow Jesus? 2. Do you think it is a wise decision to 'hang out' with this person?
Put off Bad Company. You should stay aay from those whose ways are conrary to the teaching you have learned or you will be led astray to suffer harm. Rom 16:17, Prov 12:26, Prov 13:20
Put on Wisdom. If you walk with the wise you will grow wise. Prov 13:20
Additonal Verses: Prov 22:24-25, Prov 28:26, Rom 16:7
Blame shifting, Making Excuses: 1. Could it be that you are trying to cover over your own sin? 2. Without blaming someone else or making excuses, I want you to examine your own heart and tell me what you did. 3. What could you have done differently?
Put off Pride: When you try to hide your sins you will not prosper. God knows what is in your heart. Prov 28:13
Put On Humility. If you confess and turn away from your sin, you will be forgive and will receive mercy. Prov 28:13, I John 1:9
Additional verses: Prov 21:2, Micah 7:9, James 5:16
Bragging, Conceit: 1. Do those words bring glory and honor to God or to yourself?
Put Off Pride. Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips. Prov 27:2, God will not tolerate a proud heart. Ps 101:5
Put on Humility: Walk im humility and consider others better than yourself. Phil 2:3
Additional verses: I Sam 16:7b, Rom 12:3, I Cor 1:31, Gal 6:14
Complaining: 1. Is your attitude showing thankfulness and contentment? 2. Rather than complaining, what can you be thankful for in this situation?
Put off Complaining. Do everything without complaining and arguing. Phil 2:14
Put On Thankfulness. It is God's will that you be thankful and joyfl in all circumstances. I Thess 5:16-18
Additional verses Prov 17:22, Col 3:17, 23
Coveting, Discontent: 1. Do you believe God has provided you with everything you need? 2. What are some things God has faithfully supplied you with? 3. What do you truly need that you do not have?
Put off Discontentment. Do not love the things of this world. Those who covet will find no satisfaction. I John 2:15, Haggai 1:6
Put on Contentment. Be content with wht you have--contentment allows you to enjoy what God has given you. Heb 13:5, I Tim 6:6-8
Additional Verses: Ex 20:17, Luke 12:15
Defeat, giving up: 1. What did Jesus do when He was tempted to give up? 2. What if Jesus had given up? 3. What should you do when you are tempted to give up?
Put off Discouragement. Do not give up and do not rely on your own strength. 2 Thess 3:13
Put on Perseverance. Pray for willingness and strength to persevere when things are hard. Allow God's strength to be made perfect in your weakness. 2 Cor 12:9, Eph 6:18, James 5:13
Additional Verses: Rom 5:3, Eph 3:13, Phil 4:13, Heb 12:3
Defiant Attitude, Defiant Look: 1. Are you obeying or disobeying with your attitude? 2. Are you truly obeying when you obey with an unhappy heart?
Put off Defiance. It is wicked for you to harden your face and foolish for you to despise instruction. Prov 21:29, Prov 12:1
Put On Submission: A wise heart accepts command and a happy heart makes the face cheerful. Prov 10:8, Prov 15:13
Additional verses: Prov 17:22, Prov 28:14, Phil 2:5
Destructive with toys, property: 1. Do you think you should be allowed to have this if you are going to desroy it? 2. Are you being considerate of the person who puchcased this? 3. Is this an act of goodness or evil?
Put off destruction. Wastefulness leads to poverty and a foolish man destroys what he has. Luke 15:12-14, Prov 21:20
Put on Good Stewardship. You are blessed and trusted with more when you take care of what you have. Matt 25:29
Additional verses: I Cor 4:2
Disobeying: 1. Are you obeying or disobeying? 2. How did you disobey? 3. How does God want you to obey? (all the way, right away, with a happy heart)
Put off Disobedience. When you disobey me you are disobeying God and it will not go well with you. I love you too much to allow you to disobey. Eph 6:1-3 (be consistent to follow through with consequences for direct disobedience. Prov 23:13-14)
Put on Obedience: Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Col 3:20
Additional verses: Prov 13:13, 18, 24, Prov 15:32
Fear: 1. Does God give you a spirit of fear? 2. What would God wnat you to do in this fearful situation?
Put Off fearfulness: When you are living in fear you are not trusting God. Matt 8:26
Put On Trust: God has said, never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Heb 13:5b
Additional Verses: Deut 31:6, Ps 27:1, Prov 29:25, 2 Tim 1:7
Lying, Deceit 1. Do you kno who the father of lies is? 2. Who do you want as your Father? 3. Do you think lying honors your Father and your family?
put off Lying: Lying dmages your relationship with your family and God hates a lying tongue--so you must 'put off' lying. Eph 4:25, Prov 6:17
Put on Truthfulness: The Lord delights in those who are truthful. Prov 12:22
Additional Verses: Ps 19:14, Prov 19:5, 9 Col 3:9
Not Receiving Instruction: 1. Is your attitude showing respect for me and honoring Jesus? 2. Is it wise or foolish for you to reject my instruction?
Put off Foolishness. God says that it is foolish for you to reject the wisdom of my words. Prov 23:9
Put on Wisdom. If you listen to advice and accept instruction you will be wise. Prov 19:20
Additional Verses: Prov 1:33, 13:13, 15:5,14
Quarreling, Arguing: 1. Are you being strong and avoiding strife or are you being weak and participating in strife? 2. What can you do/say in order to keep peace with your brother/sister right now? (ask all children involved)
Put off Quarreling: A harsh word stirs up anger. You need to depart from evil and do good because God says it is foolish to quarrel. Prov 15:1b, Ps 34:14, Prov 20:3b
Put On Peace Making: A gentle answer turns away wrath. it is to your honor to avoid strife and to live at peace with everyone. Prov 20:3a, Rom 12:18, Prov 15:1a
Additional Verses: Prov 15:13
Revenge: 1. What would Jesus do? 2. How can you honor Jesus and bless this person who has wronged you?
Put off Revenge: Do not say, 'I'll pay you back for this wrong!' Wait for the Lord and he will deliver you. Prov 20:22 Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. I Peter 3:9
Put on Forgiveness. It is to your glory to overlook an offense and you obey God when you overcome evil with good. Prov 19:11, Rom 12:21
Additional Verses: Lue 6:35-36, Rom 12:14
Selfishness, Me First: 1. Are you putting your brother/sister ahead of yourself or are you being selfish? 2. What would be a kind and generous thing to do?
Put off Selfishness. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselfs. Phil 2:3 Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. Prov 3:27
Put On Generosity: Honor one another above yourself. Rom 12:10, God Loves a cheerful giver. 2 Cor 9:7b
Additional Verses: Gal 6:10, Phil 2:4
Tattling: 1. Could it be that you are delighting in getting your brother/sister in trouble? 2. Rather than tattling, how can you spur him/her on toward love and good deeds?
Put off Talebearing. If you are trying to get your brother/sister in trouble, you will get in trouble. Whoeve gloats over disaster will not go unpunished. Prov 17:5b
Put on Encouragement. Spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Heb 10:24 (Child should come directly to Mom when another child is endangering himself, someone else, or destroying property.
Additional verses: Prov 11:12-13, Prov 16:28, I Cor 13:6
Teasing, Tearing Others Down: 1. Do those words show love and edify your brother/sister or do they tear him/her down? 2. What can you say to edify (build up) our brother/sister?
Put off unwholesome Talk. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth Eph 4:29
Put on Edifying Words. The words of your mouth should be helpful in building others up according to their needs.
Additional verses: Ps 34:14, Prov 26:18-19, Matt 19:19b
Whining: 1. Are you communicating with a self-controlled voice? 2. How does God want you to communicate?
Put off ungodliness. Whining is an ungodly form of communication. Titus 2:12a
Put on Self-Control. God wants you to use self control, even with your voice. Titus 2:12b
Additional Verses. Prov 25:28, Gal 5:22-23, Eph 4:29, 2 Peter 1:5-8
Worry 1. Are you forgetting who made everything? 2. Who is all powerful? What can God do about this situation?
Put off Anxiety. It is not God's will for you to worry. Matt 6:31
Put on Trust. If you pray and trust God to take this anxiety away from you He will do it because He cares for you. I Peter 5:7
Additional Verses: Matt 6:26-27, Phil 4:8-9
Conflict Resolution: The Offended 1. Did you talk with your bro/sis befre you came to me? 2. Did you respond the way God would have you respond? 3. Are you willing to forgive the way Jesus forgives?
Put off Revenge/Unforgiveness. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult but with blessing. I Peter 3:9
Put on Love/Forgiveness. If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault just between the two of you. Matt 18:15 You may only come to me if you hae conronted your bro/sis first and he/she will not listen to you Matt 18:17
Additional verses: Prov 19:11, Eph 4:32
Conflict Resolution: The Offender 1. Do you think that what you said/did showed love to your bro/sis? 2. What could you have said/done differently?
Put off Pride/unkindness: love does not delight in evil, but rejoics in truth. I Cor 13:6
Put on Humility/kindess: confess and seek forgiveness from God and the one you have wronged. Ps 32:5, James 5:16
Additional Verses. Ps 34:14